A is for artist.
Art is my passion; drawing, painting, sketching, doodling, lettering, photography...I love it all. Fashion sketches are my favorite, I have three books full (of my own sketches) at home and one day I hope that drawing or just art in general will be my job. Whether its for the next big Disney animation or designing clothes for Chanel.
B is for books.
I absolutely love to read. It is definitely one of my favorite things to do in my free time. I would rather read a realy good book than watch TV. In seventh grade I got hooked on Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I was positive that there couldn't be a better book out there. But then, the sixth Harry Potter movie came out this summer (Yes, I've read those too) and I decided to reread the sixth book before I saw the movie. As I reread Harry Potter, I realized 1) how much better of a writer J.K. Rowling is compared to Stephenie Meyer and 2) how ridiculous the whole Twilight obsession is, now I was not completely "obsessed" with it, but I really, really liked it. By rereading Harry Potter, I was reminded why it used to be my favorite series.
C is for creative.
Creative. Yes, I am very, very creative. Last year my school planner was filled, every page, with doodles and creative designs. In different color schemes each week. People would look at my planner and I watched their exprssions change from bored to amazed at what I had doodled in my planner.
D is for a dislike of dogs.
I have two German Shepards at home. Their names are Trax and Saber.At my house, we have had a dog since the day I was born, so it’s not that I’m afraid of them or anything like that, I simply cannot stand when they get overly excited because you walked through the door. I also think they smell bad and that their big, slobbery kisses are disgusting. I used to want a little dog because I thought their kisses would tickle, but you still get slobber all over so I decided that dogs and pets in general just weren’t my thing; I don’t want to have to take care of them.
E is excited for life.
Being that I am only fourteen, I have an entire life ahead of me. A life that I am very excited for. I want to make the most of it and one thing I definitely want to do is travel outside of the U.S. My dad has always said that he had no desire to go outside of the United States and I could never understand that. I have always wanted to see what other places are like and what other people do; I just find it interesting to compare other cultures to my own. What can I say? I have some pretty big goals for the future.
F is for friends and family.
I am very fortunate to have such a supportive family and loyal friends. My family is always there to help me, encouraging me to do my best and supporting me in everything I do. My friends are amazing. We are all very close and we trust each other with our lives. I know how lucky I am to have such an extraordinary family and group of friends.
G is for grateful.
This past Wednesday, September 30, 2009, I went to the Invisible Children Night on the Field. This event really gave me a wakeup call. I learned about the child soldiers in Uganda, who have been abducted by a man named Joseph Kony. These kids have been taken from their homes by night, probably drugged and are turned into soldiers for this man. The children are tortured there, and there was one story of a boy, who was forced to watch his brother die and was told that if he cried, he would die too and there is no doubt in my mind that this same situation has been experienced by hundreds of children serving as soldiers. I have always been thankful for all that I have but watching the video shown that night only gave that feeling an extra boost. I may take a lot for granted, but when I look at the big picture I realize just how lucky and how grateful I am for it all.
H is for hard working.
For as long as I can remember, my parents have always told me to do my best. So I did. Whatever I do, I always do it to the best of my ability. It has to be just the way I want it, if I feel I haven’t given something my all, I am disappointed in myself and I cannot stand disappointment…from anyone.
I is for ice cream!
Ice cream is my absolute favorite dessert. It is just so yummy! I don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t like ice cream. One of my favorite places to get ice cream from is Guernsey’s in Northville and my favorite flavor is Peanut Butter Iditarod.
J is for jeans.
Until I was about 5 years old, I refused to wear jeans. I wore skirts and dresses every day. I thought jeans (or just pants in general) were for guys only. I had one pair though, and this was because they had pink jewels on them. Well, this opinion definitely changed as I grew older; I wear jeans almost every day! My favorite ones are a pair I got last Christmas, from Hollister. They fit really well and they’re pretty comfy.
K is for kitchen.
The kitchen is a place I enjoy. Not because of all the food, but because I love to bake. I love the smell of cookies in the oven when you walk in and I’ll be honest, the dough is delicious. Lately, when my friends and I hang out, we find ourselves putting in a scary movie and baking something (usually brownies) to eat while we watch the movie.
L is for laid-back.
I consider myself a pretty calm person. I don’t make a big deal of things and I usually just go with the flow. You can ask me to help and I won’t complain. I find myself perfectly content to be under a blanket, reading a good book.
M is for music.
I love music. All sorts of music, it doesn’t matter if it’s country or rock. Usually I like a certain detail of a song whether it’s the lyrics or the beat that leads me to liking a song.
N is for Nick, my younger brother.
Nick, Nick, Nick. Annoying and weird at times, but I must admit I do love him. I’d say we get along pretty well for the most part; we have days during which we can’t stand each other, but name me siblings who don’t have days like this?
O is for optimistic.
The glass is always half full, never half empty. I always try to look at the bright side of things because if everyone looked at the down sides all the time, life would be pretty gloomy.
P is for pink.
Pink has always been my favorite color since I was little. I used to change it once in a while, I went through a purple stage as well as a lime one, but I always found myself deciding back on pink. I have this one colored pencil, it’s named Magenta but I wouldn’t call it that because it’s not purple enough to be magenta. It is more of a dark, hot pink and it is my absolute favorite shade of pink.
Q is for quiet.
Quiet, especially in class. I really don’t like to raise my hand to answer questions, even though I usually know the answer. I’m not sure why, I just don’t like it. I also don’t really like to ask questions, even though I know when you don’t ask, the answer is always no.
R is for runner.
I first realized that I enjoyed running in seventh grade, when I ran track. After that I ran cross country as well as track again in eighth grade. I am now running cross country for Stevenson and I’m really hoping to get my varsity letter this Saturday, October 3, 2009. I am really close to the time needed in order to earn my letter, so plan to push myself as hard as I can.
S is for shopping.
What girl doesn’t love shopping? I love it! I love going to the mall and the atmosphere of it all. People everywhere are looking for the best deal and a great new outfit to wear, or at least I always am.
T is for Tiffany’s.
Tiffany’s as in little, robin’s egg blue bags and boxes tired with white, satin ribbons. Tiffany’s as in Tiffany & Co., New York, New York. Tiffany’s famous for their silver and diamonds is a place I definitely adore. Walking into their store (at the Somerset Collection in Troy, MI) is mindboggling; I can’t imagine what the original one must be like in New York. You see diamond jewelry twinkling under the showcase light and each one is as brilliant as the last.
U is for up north…
Up north is place perfect for tubing in lakes and dirt biking in fields. It’s a place perfect for reading and writing, a place perfect to be with friends and walk to the nearest ice cream shop. Up north is place to stay up late and to sleep in. It is a place for bonfires and s’mores made with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Up north is a place to walk to the end of the docks at night and wish on a shooting star. Up north is a place which I enjoy quite a bit.
V is for vacation!
In my lifetime, my favorite vacation has been Disney World. One of these days I would love to go to New York City but for now, Disney is amazing. I love the feel of being a little kid again, it brings back so many memories, especially for me because not only did I love Disney movies as a child, but I have been there several times in the past. I loved the princesses, and the first time I ever went to Disney World, I was three. We went to the Magic Kingdom (Disney World consists of four parks, this is the main one with the castle) for the day and I picked out a hot pink princess hat which I refused to take off.
W is for writer.
I have always really enjoyed writing. At home I keep a journal that I write in as often as I can. It’s just relaxing, and sometimes it helps me to make a decision once I get my feelings out on paper.
X is for XC camp: freshman year!
This year was my first time going to camp since Girl Scouts and I had a TON of fun! The camp was on Lake Michigan so we got to go swimming, at night we had bonfires on the beach and I saw some really pretty sunsets. Being that there was six freshmen on the team this year, the upper classmen decided to pull a “Freshman Prank” on us. They toilet papered our rooms and took the mattresses off all or beds. We weren’t too mad, it was actually kind of funny and all I kept thinking was that the freshmen next year were in for it. Even if we did run about eight miles a day, I had an amazing time with all the cross country girls!
Y is for young.
Young and full of life. Yes, I do have some plans for my future but all I’m worried about now is making the present filled with fun.
Z is for zebra print shoes.
Last year in my art class I drew a pair of zebra print shoes. What made this picture interesting though was the fact that we used a grid to make squares on top of the drawing (we erased the squares at the end) and within each square, where ever there was black in the picture, there was a different design. It looks so cool and I was definitely proud of what I had done.